• Introduction :Welcome to eValueWeb Solutions. These terms and conditions govern your use of our services. By engaging with eValueWeb, you agree to comply with these terms.

  • Services :We offer a range of services including web development, mobile app development, and digital marketing. Detailed service descriptions are available upon request or via our service catalogue.

  • Client Obligations :Clients must provide all necessary content and information to facilitate project completion. This includes, but is not limited to, text, images, and functional requirements.

  • Payments :Payment terms are stipulated in the project agreement. Typically, a 50% deposit is required upfront, with the balance due upon project completion. Additional fees may apply for changes requested post-project commencement.

  • Confidentiality :eValueWeb commits to maintaining the confidentiality of all client information and project details. Information will only be used for service delivery purposes.

  • Intellectual Property :Clients retain ownership of all materials they provide. eValueWeb transfers ownership of the final deliverables to the client upon receipt of full payment, with the exception of pre-existing intellectual property and third-party materials.

  • Limitation of Liability :

  • Termination :Either party may terminate the agreement with 30 days' written notice if the other party breaches any material term and fails to remedy the breach within that period.

  • Amendments :eValueWeb reserves the right to modify these terms at any time. Clients will be notified of significant changes in advance.

  • Contact Information :For any questions or concerns regarding these terms, please contact us at info@evalueweb.com.

"Digital design is like painting, except the paint never dries."